



Orlando.studio is an experience design studio and design research practice that creates spaces & experiences that ground people in deeper connection within & without.

Founded by Creative Director and Experience Designer Vincent Truter - The practice explores the intersections between physical environments, healing modalities, nature connection, community engagement, social design and digital interaction.





  • Orlando.studio designs experiences that enable people to create deeper connection in and through spaces.

    Examples range from the design of experiences in public spaces and immersions that ground people in community and connection like Cascoland to digital art and innovation festivals like Fakugesi held annually in Johannesburg and the annual ARA ( Arts Research Africa ) conference funded by the Melon foundation.

  • Orlando.studio designs healing spaces with a focus on biophilia and related methodologies.

    He worked on the wayfinding and visitor experience design for the Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital. The project resulted in a biophilia ( nature) inspired navigation system and environmental design solutions like wallpapers, graphic elements and visitor engagement. Wards were divided into natural terrains - cloud, sun, leaf, mountain to create a less stressful environment that promotes wellbeing and healing.

  • Orlando.studio explores design research projects that use design and creative methodologies to create active participation in public space.

    Orlando has consistently engaged alternative design methodologies to explore public space. One of his collaborations with Dutch artists collaborative Cascoland has explored marginal communities throughout South Africa from Johannesburg to Durban, bringing cross disciplinary teams of artists, designers, architects and community together to create interventions in public space.

  • Orlando.studio develops digital experiences that promote resilience and community connection.

    One of his recent projects called ResiliencEngage focused on the creation of a Whatsapp based resilience chat service to inspire resilience and mental wellness for humanitarian workers in the field. Developed in collaboration with MSF Doctors without borders the app brought resilience practices to over 60 Southern African humanitarian field workers aiding them in combatting the moral injury, trauma exposure and non stop stress of their daily service to humanity.

  • Orlando.studio actively explores nature connection and biomimicry in designing experiences that tap communities into the healing power of nature..

    Orlando founded Africa’s first forest therapy organisation- Forest Therapy Africa, and developed a series of programmes and healing retreats that enable stressed individuals to tune into the healing power of nature. The organisation in collaboration with Biomimicry South Africa promotes healing through Japanese Shinrin Yoku ( forest bathing) nature immersions, walks and retreats.

  • Orlando.studio facilitates embodiment workshops with a focus on mindfulness practices that work in and through the body.

    With over 15 years experience as a Trained Shiatsu practitioner, sound healer, Butoh dancer and alexander technique practitioner orlando brings these practices to life in bodies and spaces through experiential workshops In collaboration with Affectlab . Orlando developed a workshop shared with creative arts and design students in the Netherlands at ARTEZ to ground their practices in, and through the body.

Kliptempel Hermitage

Orlando.studio is in the process of designing and creating a hermitage and retreat centre in a mid-century modern structure located on the southern tip of Africa, named Kliptempel (stone temple), the space offers a natural extension to his interest in healing modalities and experience design practice.

Nestled between the untamed mountains of Cape Point nature reserve and the untouched Indian ocean at False Bay, Kliptempel offers spaces and experiences that ground you in the healing potential within and without.

LAUNCH / 09 \ 2024

“orlando's work is profound and deeply moving.” - Kim Sacks

“orlando's work is profound and deeply moving.” - Kim Sacks

“orlando's work is profound and deeply moving.” - Kim Sacks "Orlando consistently brings deeper experiences to arts platforms" Christo Doherty - Wits University

“orlando's work is profound and deeply moving.” - Kim Sacks "Orlando consistently brings deeper experiences to arts platforms" Christo Doherty - Wits University

"When it comes to conceptualising healing environments, Orlando brings incredible creativity, practical wisdom and all round suss to each space." - Nelson Mandela Childrens Hospital

"When it comes to conceptualising healing environments, Orlando brings incredible creativity, practical wisdom and all round suss to each space." - Nelson Mandela Childrens Hospital

“ Orlando brings incredible sensitivity to his practice. He is able to identify, increase, shape and channel the energy for healing and renewal.” - Melody Emmet

“ Orlando brings incredible sensitivity to his practice. He is able to identify, increase, shape and channel the energy for healing and renewal.” - Melody Emmet

“ Orlando brings incredible sensitivity his practice. He is able to identify, increase, shape and channel the energy for healing and renewal.” - Melody Emmet. " Working with orlando has expanded our approaches to creating conceptual environments that bring new interactions to life " Louw Otto - Accenture consulting

“ Orlando brings incredible sensitivity his practice. He is able to identify, increase, shape and channel the energy for healing and renewal.” - Melody Emmet. " Working with orlando has expanded our approaches to creating conceptual environments that bring new interactions to life " Louw Otto - Accenture consulting

"When it comes to conceptualising healing environments, Orlando brings incredible creativity, practical wisdom and all round suss to each space." - Nelson Mandela Childrens Hospital. "Orlando's Forest Therapy and Nature connection retreats has inspired an entire generation of Biomimicry practitioners " Claire Jarnisch - Biomimicry Institute

"When it comes to conceptualising healing environments, Orlando brings incredible creativity, practical wisdom and all round suss to each space." - Nelson Mandela Childrens Hospital. "Orlando's Forest Therapy and Nature connection retreats has inspired an entire generation of Biomimicry practitioners " Claire Jarnisch - Biomimicry Institute